Programs and Projects

Zimbabwe Farmers Union is jointly implementing a project in four districts of Zimbabwe in partnership with WE Effect, a Swedish International Non-Governmental Organization. This is part of the ZFU day-to-day work to strengthen various commodity associations, and in this case the cotton commodity association. In order to carry this mandate, ZFU ordinarily seeks partnerships to help finance its predetermined strategic plan and operational program. In this case We Effect is a partner in strengthening the cotton commodity association. A summary of the project is given herein.

The Zimbabwe Youth “Agriprenuership” Summit (ZYAS) organized by the Zimbabwe Farmers Union since 2013, is an annual event meant to motivate and inspire young people engaged in agriculture and its related value chains, to confidently occupy the agri-business space.

Promotion of the adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) by smallholder farmers through farmer managed demonstration plots and CA clubs.50 School-based Young Farmers Clubs (YFCs) Demo Plots + 40 Community Demo plots supported – working with farmers from community (4000 farmers organised into CA Clubs)

In 2015 ZFU partnered Econet to offer small holder farmers crop insurance, livestock & farming tips, Funeral cover and subscriptions to the Zimbabwe Farmers Union’s smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The Union also partnered with Mercy Corps an organization that offers expertise in Information Communication Technology in Agriculture