White button mushroom coriander, parsley, and mint
I am Yvonne Kazingizi, I’m the co-founder of Hort Horizon pvt ltd. The farming venture started in 2016. We’re into horticulture farming at the moment focusing on white button mushroom as well as culinary herbs like coriander, parsley, and mint. We have 2 production sites in Manresa Park and Mabelreign respectively.
Upon starting, I was working for an agricultural organisation, and through interaction with the farmers I saw the potential to empower myself. Also seeing our nation retaining bread basket status, made me gain so much interest in farming
Managing to create employment for both our permanent and casual labour is a success, also establishing 2 production sites, one in Manresa Park and other in Mabelreign was a huge milestone. We also supply supermarkets, restaurants and individuals
Be consistent and be willing to take every set back as a learning curve
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step